Monday 22 August 2011

Week 2 @ Luna & Reception

Just a few updates for the internest.

Luna update: Reception: Didn't remember as many names as I would have liked, and was feeling shy/ quiet. Didn't miss anyone, or blow anything up, so all and all a success.

                        Practice: I found my breath again! Throughout my practice at home and in class, except Moksha [because I would expire], my breathing has been distracted and shallow. I suppose as without as within. I had a few great up-dogs (urdhva mukha svanasana), where I found the strength in my arms to pull myself through chaturanga dandasana and then to push up into up dog while inhaling and pulling my shoulders back.

Off to chapters now to get some books. I have my eyes set on "The Woman's Book of Yoga & Health" by Linda Sparrowe and "Ashtanga Yoga: The Practice Manual" by David Swenson. I've started reading (read: stalking) Damn Good Yoga, a blog that I stumbled upon a week ago. She's tattooed, is/was a waitress, suffered from tension headaches and migraines from a young age, and is now one badass yogi, as well as a great resource and inspiration. Those were the books that got her started, ergo I want to start with them.

The internet is so creepy sometimes. In a good way. I think.

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