Wednesday 21 September 2011

Morning Off

Wednesdays usually consist of one of two things. Either i'm sweating my double away at a 10am Moksha class, or I curl up in bed and don't move until I have to get ready for work. Today, was a beautiful hybrid. 

I woke up at a self-indulgent noon, the house was quiet, and cool so it made for deep sleep and freaky dreams. I drank tea and updated the music on my phone. Discovered a few amazing bands; Beirut, Fleet foxes, Hey Rosetta! and Future of forestry. 

Made a playlist with all of these discoveries, slapped on my yoga gear and hit the mat. I stayed there for 90 minutes and finally made it past Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (intense bound half lotus). I love this pose! I can only get it truly my left side. My right knee is pretty rickety and when I go to bind the big toe it whines quite a bit and I have to arch my back strangely, so for now I just stand with my right foot in my groin. On the left side, the bind feels like a happy click of alignment and my forward bend is strong and straight. To get past Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana, I finally gave time to Utthita Hasta Padangushtasana. Which for now, I have a very tumultuous relationship with. My lower abs and hip muscles are weak, and it takes sweaty shaking effort to straighten the leg, let alone bring it straight to the side and even out my hips. So until now, at home, I've   just stopped there. Maybe flowing some more, doing a few restorative postures, maybe attempting it, but giving up within a couple breaths, declaring practice time over. Today my will kicked it's butt! :) I went until Pashimottanasana, and am now drinking a power green smoothie, listening to more happy beats!!

I feel really alive right now. That tiny little accomplishment was a nice reminder that improvement is mind to create, and that I'm fully the master of how awesome my life is. 

On other notes, I saw my friend Jen the other day, and it felt good to geek out about yoga, and different teachers and poses. 

Shanti Joy Shanti Joy Shanti Joy

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